Tuesday, February 5, 2008

2007 Santa Gay!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

retard or fucktard?

lwq pls la when u can't fucking finish ur bloody fucking ugly looking art rite..u dont hafta like scold ppl la.if u can't finish drawing thats ur problem la..why ur beans very itchy issit go n scold ppl...mahai den the malay guy repeat wad u say(sohai)..u wanna laugh..u retard or fucktard..wad to do hung fatt's grandson mah..so happy when ur emo!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

One Of A Kind Gay Face

Hey gay u call this poser sial,i think u should call it PANTAT GAY SIAL!!!
None of the gay can beat this INSANE GAY!!!

Bloody Bitch

Eh popowing bitch pls la even tho ur name kena in the bkk..u don't hafta bocor other ppl's name rite...wad u wanna act the hero of justice la now..damn greta la superman la..so adil wad if ur father rob the bank..dont u tell me u gonna inform teh police that ur fatehr rob the bank rite..wanna bodek the teacher dont come to la salle la...why must u tell the teacher la..u can;'t stfu issit..so free la go n tell the teacher..why dont u sit down there n keep ur mouth shut la...im very happy when ur name goes into the bkk..nice rite..everyday wanna act damn big la mahai cibai u go n write those ppl's name rambut panjang all...bloody freak..

12th PJ Scouts

Hmmm,im here to say that leong wai qi is not a scouts evn tho he joined scouts...cause he didn;t come for so many patrool meeting n troop meeting..the last time i ask whyhe didn't go for scouts..he told me that he was fever..he talk cork la....cork stories like that even a pig will know la..gay is like that one cannot cork stories properly wad to do....u think wad u wanna join scouts but then dont even come for scouts..u think wad ur brother join scouts n quited scouts after the scouts recruitment camp damn chun la..wanna tell the whole world..u want me to advertise the news for u oso r..eveyrday come to school act like damn chun..on that day wanna lanci me i can't do normal push ups i can only do full push ups all.u think u damn great la can do full push ups...even a pbsm junior can thrash u till u die la..pls r ur koko book there dont fill in scouts..its a bloody embarassment to the troop n the school..i bet u can't even do clove hitch la..

Gay's face

hung fatt's grandson

Hung Fatt's Grandson!

Leong Wai Qi is a bastard whos thinks that everyone is lifeless.like to walk around n call everyone lifeless.padahall.he go n conteng on the whiteboard popowing..wad kinda fucktard attitude la...its a disgrace to every of his friends la..pure fucktard..evrythime perasan n emo in the class act damn cool all..look at ur emo face la..not happy wanna report teacher..u think wad everyone in the class like u r..bitchy face.playing basketball wanan report to miss yap..why u overnight with miss yap r very close to that old woman r...bitch u la wai qi the gay...purple is gay